Showing 10 result(s)

anaCODA are back…

A decade ago I was gigging weekly, singing in pubs, music venues and performing at the occasional festival. Music was a huge part of my weekly activities as we played a mixture of covers and originals. Anyone who remembers us from that particular music circuit in Guildford, Surrey, UK, might remember our rather overplayed rock …

Black Iris Hearts Still Beat

When I Directed Black Iris: Hearts Still Beat

Back in 2011, at the tender age of 21, I directed a music video for metal band Black Iris. I had been working in documentary production and producing EPKs (electronic press kits) for bands over the previous year and it was time for a new challenge. I got to work storyboarding each scene and finding …

The Business of... Podcast

What’s Worse? The Fear of Failure or Fear of Success?

Last week I finally got on the podcasting bandwagon and published my first episode of Series One: The Business of Coaching and Mentoring.

After almost 15 years’ in the radio business I was surprised by the utter fear of putting myself out there on YouTube and platforms like Spotify. Questions like the following:

“What if no one listens?”

“What if after all this time in radio I actually have no idea how to craft a podcast?”

“What if lots of people actually DO listen and then bark that they wasted how ever long they listened for of their lives?”

“What if it actually succeeds?”

The Business of Friendships

The Science of Friendship

Yesterday I had the pleasure of interviewing Simon and Helene, also based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and I would like to say that the hour or so spent in these two wonderful peoples company made me feel so lucky to do the work I do. Simon and Helene entered my virtual studio all smiles, no stress, …

Creatives: I simply can’t get enough of you!

As a creative person, one topic on The Business of… show I can’t fill the schedule with enough of is The Arts.

I have learned so much from my inspiring guests about music; fine art; game design; creative writing; filmmaking; how to make money from creative endeavours and more that I couldn’t be more grateful to each one of my guests for their time talking to me on Connections Radio – and i’m hungry for more.

If you are a creative entrepreneur or professional in any of the above areas do reach out and join this list of creative masterminds as we work together to give knowledge and inspire other creative industry workers and hopefuls to fulfil their artistic purpose.

Mia Grace

When dreams come true…

I had the honour of interviewing independent musician Mia Grace on The Business of… show for Connections Radio this week. Once upon a time we both worked at a restaurant in Guildford, Surrey, UK and, as we served food and cleaned tables during the day, by night Mia was gigging and I was a volunteer …

A Niggle of Discomfort

As a writer for Way to Wellbeing I tackle topics on wellbeing in and out of the workplace. This article was a little challenging to get going on as I found a niggling feeling of discomfort develop in the pit of my stomach at the very mention of work/life balance. How does being asked about our work/life balance make us feel?

Mental Health in the Workplace

Thanks to the wonderful Jake Shaw for featuring me on The Amaiz Podcast shortly after I launched my mental health initiative Minds Anonymous back in 2020.

Although time has flown and this is now a couple of years old, I gave it a re-listen and feel our discussion is just as relevant today as it was at the beginning of the pandemic, if not even more so.

My Husband the Rock Star

Well I had to share this particular episode of the Business of… didn’t I? Listen to me interview my husband after around 18 months of badgering him to come on my show.

I found this particularly fascinating because, even though I knew he was a clever chap and I was aware of what he got up to at the lab, I had no idea just how knowledgable he is and how cutting edge his job is.

Trying Meditation? Listen to this First

I wanted to share this particular episode of my show The Business of… with Neil McKinley as I learnt so much from this guest and talking to him made me feel so, well, zen is the most appropriate word here.

We get told that we should all be meditating to calm our minds and connect to our inner selves, resulting in a more peaceful existence. But what we don’t often discuss is the potential traumatic responses we may have from practising meditation without the appropriate guidance from an experienced professional in this field.